Calling all church musicians!

1) On Saturday morning Feb 4th RSCM Devon are holding a session focussing on musician and clergy collaboration in which Bishop Bob has kindly agreed to take part.  This presents a unique opportunity for these two key roles within the church to spend a little time exploring a common vision and cementing this important relationship which makes such a difference to the ethos of worship.  We would be delighted if you were able to come along with your music leader.  This is the second of two sessions for music leaders on two Saturday mornings Jan 28th and Feb 4th in Mary Arches church Exeter as outlined below.

2) On March 2nd to 4th we are organising another BANDAID weekend for young people involved in worship bands following our successful weekend last year.  This time it will be in St John the Evangelist Church Exmouth.  Are there young people whom you could encourage to come and develop their music and worship skills?  Details attached.

3)  Various deaneries are beginning to take up the ‘Wings for Worship’ course to encourage skill and confidence in all those lay people called upon to lead various aspects of public worship.  Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in hosting in your area or deanery.

Wishing you a very happy New Year,

Andrew Maries

BandAidMar 2012 brochure (PDF)

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