Uplyme are launching an evening Faithtrack course. Faithtrack is a course in systematic theology and is produced by St. Paul’s Theological College (associated with Holy Trinity Brompton and Alpha). The course starts on 25th April and runs in two half-terms. It is aimed at people that have completed an Alpha Course or who want to go deeper into theology and ask questions. The evenings involve watching a lecture on video and then discussing the topics in a small group. To sign up contact Gavin via the Uplyme church office on 01297 444499.
Category Archives: Courses
Theology @ Uplyme
Uplyme Church is launching its own course in Theology. Led by Revd Gavin Tyte (BSc Dip.HE Cert.Ed.) the first course will be Faithtrack – an Introduction to Systematic Theology.
We are going to use the Resources produced by Holy Trinity Brompton (St. Paul’s Theological College). These include video lectures and course materials from top theological lecturers.
Faithtrack will be a 10-session course running on a Thursday afternoon from 1.30pm to 3.30pm in the church building over two terms. The weeks will be as follows:
Term 1: 8th November – 6th December 2012
- The Character of God (8th Nov)
- Creation (15th Nov)
- Sin, Evil and the Fall (22nd Nov)
- Incarnation (29th Nov)
- The Death of Christ (6th Dec)
Term 2: 17th January – 14th February 2013
- Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension (17th January)
- The Holy Spirit (24th January)
- The Trinity (31st January)
- Fulfilment (7th February)
- Plenary – Questions and Answers (14th February)
Each week we will watch a video and then we will be led in a small group discussion. There are no entry requirements but this course is aimed at Christians – particularly those involved in ministries and mission. (Note: If you’re new to Christianity or the church then the first step would be to complete something like an Alpha Course). To apply contact Gavin via the contact form or register your interest with Carol in the Uplyme church office – 01297 444499.
Self Harm Awareness Training

There is a 6-hour in depth training in Exmouth on 17th September. The cost is £65. To book a place go to:
For more information contact: Lillie Jenkins, Acting Director, www.selfharm.co.uk 01582 748968
Lent @ Five Alive
10 of the Best – The 10 Commandments, in Five parts. Wednesdays 7.30 for 8pm Kilmington Church and Hall talks end with a short service of Compline.
February 29th, Church
1 & 2: God First: No Other Gods or Idols
Archdeacon David Gunn-Johnson
March 7th, Hall
3 & 4: Why are these important? : The Name of God and the Sabbath
Bishop Martin Shaw
March 14th, Hall
5 & 6: Considering Others: Parents & Not Murdering!
The Revd Alastair McCollum
March 21st, Hall
7 & 8: Being Trustworthy: No Adultery, No Stealing
The Revd Nigel Freathy
March 28th, Church
9 & 10: Bad Neighbours: False Witness & Coveting!
Archdeacon John Rawlins
Calling all church musicians!
1) On Saturday morning Feb 4th RSCM Devon are holding a session focussing on musician and clergy collaboration in which Bishop Bob has kindly agreed to take part. This presents a unique opportunity for these two key roles within the church to spend a little time exploring a common vision and cementing this important relationship which makes such a difference to the ethos of worship. We would be delighted if you were able to come along with your music leader. This is the second of two sessions for music leaders on two Saturday mornings Jan 28th and Feb 4th in Mary Arches church Exeter as outlined below.
2) On March 2nd to 4th we are organising another BANDAID weekend for young people involved in worship bands following our successful weekend last year. This time it will be in St John the Evangelist Church Exmouth. Are there young people whom you could encourage to come and develop their music and worship skills? Details attached.
3) Various deaneries are beginning to take up the ‘Wings for Worship’ course to encourage skill and confidence in all those lay people called upon to lead various aspects of public worship. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in hosting in your area or deanery.
Wishing you a very happy New Year,
Andrew Maries