Exeter Diocesan News
Published monthly. Copy, Events, Listings to The Secretary at The Old Deanery.
Honiton Deanery Website
Webmaster: Gavin Tyte 01297 443256, Content Manager: Robin Hodges 01297 445180 email: robinvhodges@aol.com
Diocesan Communications Officer
The Old Deanery, The Cloisters, Exeter. EX1 1HX. 01392 2949051 Fax 01392 79624
Useful Publications
- Church Representation Rules 2006. Published by Church House Bookshop, 31 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BN. Tel 020 789 1304
- A Handbook for Churchwardens & Parochial Church Councillors. IBSN 0-8264-8153-1
- Exeter Diocesan Directory. Published annually by Exeter DBF, available from Diocesan House.