There is a new website from the Church of England to resource Christian Community Action – This has a wealth of material drawn from good practice around the country. If you take a look, let us know what you think about it.
ROC Conference 9-10 March 2012 Plymouth
Following on from the launch last October this conference is an opportunity to learn more about partnership working to help meet the needs of our community.
Bridging the Gap, Riverside Church, Exeter 17 March 2012
The Entheos Trust runs community training days that are designed to bring together those of like mind from different churches to be inspired, learn together, share encouragements and concerns.
How can we create a more stable economy? How can we overcome the growing gap between the richest and the poorest? Does Christianity have anything to say? Professor Ulrich Duchrow, Dr Molly Scott Cato, facilitated by Simon Barrow, Ekklesia
Faith in Community Involvement 19 April 2012 Teignbridge – attached flyer
Free networking session for faith-based organisations in the Teignbridge area
Resourcing Christian Community Action
A Church of England initiative, bringing together as a catalyst current best practice in providing Christian care in local communities with the resources and knowledge needed to multiply those good works across the country over the coming years. This is a site designed for action…
Are we washing our hands of Britain’s Poor? – Lent Course
Only one in five of us think poverty is a result of social injustice.
Faced with constant news stories about rising debt, unemployment, homelessness and child poverty, the problems in this country may seem insurmountable; even unavoidable. What is the truth? Is social inequality eroding social well-being? And if so, what’s the solution?
The issues are never black-and-white, but Church Urban Fund’s new Lent course brings them into sharp relief.
Shelter in a Pack
A resource for churches and communities considering setting up winter night shelters for homeless people
Shelter in a Pack was launched in the winter of 2010-2011 in London and in Birmingham, attracting huge interest from church groups nationwide. Within months of the launch, a number of groups had decided to set up Winter Night Shelters (WNS).
A step by step guide
Time banking is a rewarding and enjoyable way to bring people together to share their skills. People get the help they need and help each other out by taking turns to be responsible for some of the care and practical support that we all need from time to time – people of all ages and all abilities can join in and exchange a whole range of skills.,NT9Y,3GPAJS,1XEEE,1