From the Synodical Government Measure 1969:
1. Consider matters concerning the Church of England and make provision for such matters in relation to their Deanery, they consider and express their opinion on other matters of religious or public interest.
You may be worried by local council plans for the area, or the lack of care for unemployed people, or for broken marriages. Debate them under this heading- but go further; see if the Deanery can do something to help.
2. Bring together the views of the parishes of the Deanery on common problems, discuss and formulate common policies on those problems, foster a sense of community and inter-dependence among those parishes, and generally promote in the Deanery the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.
Churches will report their important news. A member may propose action on a problem too big for a single parish to tackle on its own, or for common action in studying the faith. Do something at Deanery level to encourage parishes in developing strategy and mission.
3. Make known and so far as is appropriate put into effect any provision made by the Diocesan Synod.
You will elect representatives to the Diocesan Synod. Help them by asking what that Synod is doing. Don’t feel you cannot be critical.
4. Consider the business of the Diocesan Synod, and particularly any matters referred to that Synod by the General Synod, and sound parochial opinion whenever required or it is considered appropriate to do so.
General Synod will pass business to the Diocesan Synod which in turn may ask Deanery Synods for their views. This shows how your Synod is part of the national scene.
5. Raise such matters as the Deanery Synod considers appropriate with the Diocesan Synod.
Remember that all Deanery Synods are open meetings – anyone may attend, although they cannot speak or vote, so do bring a friend.
6. During your term in office, you may be called upon to vote in the five-yearly General Synod elections (as in 2005)….
You must vote knowing that decisions of the new Synod will affect your diocese, deanery and parish.