At the last Deanery Synod the question of the role of the Treasurer came up and how to provide the accounts and annual reports in the format that the diocese require. Most treasurers are lay people with little or no experience of what needs to be submitted to the diocese.
On the Diocesan Website there are a number of resources you may find helpful. Under the list of resources you will see Finance: offering you a choice of “Cashbook” or “Parish Accounts”.
Under “Cashbook” you will find:
The receipts and payments is an excel spreadsheet that will allow you to carry out simple accounting and submit the forms the diocese require. Click on the above links to access them. The manual tells you how to work and run the package.
Under “Parish Accounts” you will find a number of documents and templates to choose from which will help you produce the information in the right format that is required.
Click “HERE” to go to the documents page and then click on Resources you can then select Finance: Parish Accounts and select the documents you wish to see and download.