Carol Service Resource

At Uplyme last year, we conducted a slightly different Carols by Candlelight worship.  We replaced a couple of the Bible readings with abridged Christmas reflections by Tom Wright.  We also added simple prayers based around his reflections.  People said it was the best Carol service ever!  So, you might wish to use this resource in your local churches or use it as a framework?

Carols – Order and Readings (PDF)

The Real Thing (Let my people go)

This track by creative artist and digital busker TyTe is based on the narrative found in the book of Exodus in the Bible. The Israelites are enslaved to the Egyptians and God sends Moses to lead them out of slavery. However, Pharoah resists, with dire consequences. This video is ideal for use as a reflection in Sunday worship or for use with a youth group. Words and Music by TyTe.

Pentecost Resource

I have produced a Powerpoint presentation for Pentecost worship – ready to use.  It is based around readings, music and prayers.  All you need to do is add your hymns or songs.  I have also produced some notes to be used in the worship – these include specific prayers based around the painting by Andrei Rublev.

pentecost.pptx (original PowerPoint 2008 file)

Pentecost.ppt (Powerpoint 97-2004 file)

pentecost_notes.docx (original Word 2008 notes)

pentecost_notes.pdf (notes saved as a PDF)

Note: The font used is Calibri (Mac) and the Powerpoint is created with Powerpoint 2008.  If you want to use this presentation on a PC you may need to download Calibri font or search and replace the font for something similar – e.g. verdana, lucida sans, etc.