Wings for Worshipis a cycle of workshops designed to give lay people an introduction to, and confidence in, leading aspects of worship. The workshops combine a certain amount of background and theory with some very practical hints and tips.
5th, 12, 19th, 26th June & 3rd July
at Seaton Methodist Church, Scalwell Lane Seaton, Devon EX12 2ST
from 7.00pm to 9.15pm
(suggested donation from PCC’s of £10 per participant to cover materials)
The Workshops
Workshops are designed to run 7pm to 9.30pm, with a shortbreak for refreshments in the middle.
Summary of topics covered –
Preparing for take-off-the practicalities of leading parts of a service,
Getting airborne- the opportunities offered by Common Worship
Being the co-pilot-assisting in the running of a whole service
Flying solo-leading an entire act of worship
Breaking the sound barrier-ways of handling ‘the Word’
For more information please contact Rev Jeremy Trew at Seaton & Beer